5 Sure Signs God Is Putting You Together For Real.

Wondering if God is putting you together in a relationship? Then this post on the 5 signs God is putting together for marriage will be of great help to you.

There are a lot of things that will only happen in your Christian relationship if God is the one putting you together which is why you need to be alert to His will in this area.

Without wasting your time, let’s quickly look at the 5 signs God is putting you together in a relationship as you look forward to a Christian marriage.

5 Signs That God Is Uniting You Together.

Below are the 5 signs that will show God is bringing you together for marriage as Christian singles still in your singlehood and dating period.

  • Total Agreement On Vital Christian Core Values.
  • Equal Yoke.
  • You’ll Have A Deep Connection With Each Other.
  • Desire To Know Each Other More.
  • Deep Love For Each Other.

1. Total Agreement On Vital Christian Core Values.

The first sign you will notice if God is putting you together as a Christian couple in a relationship as you date or court each other is you will agree on vital Christian core values such as faith.

As well as godly principles that govern Christian relationships and marriages that you will both want to live by as a married couple in the future.

As you know, two people cannot walk together unless they are both in agreement as Amos 3:2,3 tells us. This is why if you are still in a relationship with your partner, discuss vital issues you need to agree on.

Things such as your Christian values, finances, faith, and how you want to raise godly children when married must be discussed and both of you must come to a common ground on these vital issues that cause many couples to argue about.

Conversely, if God isn’t the one putting you together in your relationship, you will both be fatally misaligned on vital life issues and core values which will make it impossible for you to be together or continue the relationship.

Recommended: 7 Sure Signs God Is Saying No To A Relationship.

2. Equal Yoke.

Secondly, if God is uniting you as a couple to marry each other in the future, you will also be equally yoked as a couple on many life issues such as faith and values.

2 Corinthians 6:14 tells us that we must not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers as a spirit in the is vastly different from the Spirit of Jesus Christ present in every true Christian.

It’s why as a Christian woman or Christian man, you must not date or court an unbeliever thinking you will change them as only God has the power to change the heart of every person, not you.

The reason why many Christians especially women end up in abusive relationships and marriages destroying them inwardly is they were unequally yoked with an ungodly man despite the red flags thinking they can change him.

You must understand as a Christian that God will never yoke you to an unbeliever who’s not aligned with His will and purpose for your life. This is why you must date a fellow believer if you don’t want unnecessary headaches.

3. You’ll Have A Deep Connection With Each Other.

Thirdly, if God has put you together as a couple or lovebirds, you will both have a deep godly connection with each other on a heart level that you have never had before with anyone else.

It will be a special connection with each other that will make you want to spend time together or be with each other as you both look forward to spending your life together in holy matrimony.

This connection will be based on true biblical love and not lust that comes and goes. It’s a connection that will make you realize that you are both meant to be together.

On the other hand, if God hasn’t brought you together in a relationship, you will not have this deep connection with each other on a heart level that will make both of you look forward to marrying each other.

There will just be this disconnect that will make you feel that you aren’t just a good fit for each other even if things are perfect outwardly without any issues or major disagreements.

Recommended: 11 Sure Signs God Is Connecting You With Someone Deeply.

4. Desire To Know Each Other More.

It’s just a matter of fact that if God is putting you together in a godly relationship as a couple looking forward to being husband and wife in marriage you will desire to know each other more.

You will just find yourselves asking a lot of curious questions about each other such as life plans, careers, children, and so on which you should anyway if you are in serious courtship.

Since you want to know more about each other in your singleness, you will also find yourselves having serious discussions on various topics and asking each other serious questions.

You will also notice that you will begin to spend time with each other more so that you can understand each other better as you date.

If God hasn’t brought you together, the desire to know each other deeply simply won’t be there and you simply won’t just be interested in each other to be in a long-term committed relationship.

5. Deep Love For Each Other.

Another sign that will show God is putting you together as a Christian couple is that you will also notice that you have this deep love for each other you have never had before with anyone else.

It will be this Christ-like selfless love that will make you desire to serve each other without any ulterior motives that 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 talks about which doesn’t seek its own interests.

The love we are talking about here isn’t the selfish love based on lust you find in many worldly relationships which only leads to heartbreaks, sexual sin, and painful breakups.

Instead, the love we are talking about here is selfless love that will make you seek the betterment of your partner and put their needs above your own while not neglecting your own needs in the process.

If God isn’t the one putting you together, you won’t truly love each other the way you ought to which is why you will give up easily on each other when minor issues pop up in your relationship.

Recommended: 7 Clear Signs Of Agape Love In A Relationship From God.


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I hope the above signs God is putting you together will be of great help to you in helping you know if the right person has come your way to marry.

In closing, if this post has blessed you let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share before you leave using the right icon. God bless.

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