7 Main Reasons Why Most Godly Relationships Fail.

In this post, you will discover the 7 main reasons why most godly relationships fail so that your relationship doesn’t become a statistic as well.

I am sure you may be wondering why many Christian relationships which are supposed to be godly examples of this world are just as bad as worldly relationships nowadays.

This post on 7 main reasons why most godly relationships fail will give you insight into why this is happening in Christian circles as many seem to have forgotten what true love is. Let’s dive in.

7 Reasons Why Many Relationships Are Failing.

Below are the 7 main reasons why many relationships are failing left, right, and center even in Christian circles.

  • Lack Of Wisdom.
  • Impatience.
  • Christ Not Being The Foundation.
  • Mistaking Love For Lust.
  • Selfishness.
  • Lack Of True Commitment.
  • Not Understanding Good Doesn’t Mean Good Fit.

1. Lack Of Wisdom.

One of the first reasons why many Christian relationships are failing is a lack of wisdom among many immature Christian couples who think relationships are all beds and roses or romance.

Many immature Christian couples are jumping into relationships without knowing what’s expected of them due to desperation or fear of being alone.

You need to understand that if you want to have a successful godly relationship later on a successful godly marriage, wisdom on how to keep a relationship or marriage is needed.

This is why you need to pray and seek God’s will and direction in this area if you are thinking of being in a relationship with someone you want to spend the rest of your life with rather than relying on your own wisdom or feelings.

Related: 7 Easy Ways To Know God’s Will In A Relationship.

2. Impatience.

The lack of patience is the second reason why many godly relationships fail and end in breakups and heartbreaks for many selfish and immature Christian couples dating without purpose.

You must understand that to have a successful godly relationship, you need patience with your partner and trusting God’s timing to know whether being in a committed relationship with someone is the right time or not.

Trying to rush things with God relationship-wise just because you are desperate and don’t want to be alone is a recipe for disaster as God doesn’t do things out of desperation but is moved by His will and purpose for your life.

So, if you want your relationship to be successful, learn to be patient with your partner as you both grow together. Also, don’t rush into a relationship without God’s approval if you don’t want unnecessary heartbreaks.

3. Christ Not Being The Foundation.

Thirdly, most Christian relationships are falling and ending in painful breakups because most of these relationships don’t have Jesus Christ as the foundation.

If the Lord Jesus Christ isn’t the foundation of your relationship, it’s bound to fail and end in a breakup especially when challenges come.

Having Jesus Christ as the foundation of your godly relationship is what will make it succeed as you will both know as a godly couple what’s expected of you and how you must treat each other with love and respect.

Only when Christ is the foundation of your relationship are you going to be able to love and tolerate each other’s flaws and not easily give up on each other when you hit a rocky patch like most couples who don’t understand true love.

Related: 12 Vital Characteristics Of A Christ-Centered Marriage.

4. Mistaking Love For Lust.

Another reason why many godly relationships are failing with too many exes even in churches is many Christian singles are mistaking love for lust which is a sad state of affairs indeed.

You need to understand as a Christian single that true love is a choice and not something that’s based on feelings and emotions that come and go depending on the prevailing circumstances at the time.

Just because your hormones are boiling when you meet an attractive woman or handsome guy doesn’t mean you are in love with them. Your chemical states don’t determine whether you are in love or not

True love isn’t just about romance, kissing, or wanting to be touched but something that’s a commitment you need to make to your partner. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 summarizes what true love missing in many relationships today is all about.

Related: 7 Clear Signs Of Agape Love In A Relationship From God.

5. Selfishness.

Selfishness is another main reason why many romantic relationships in the Christian domain are failing at an alarming rate as everyone is all about themselves these days and what they can get from the person they claim to love.

Sadly, it’s just a matter of fact that as human beings we are inherently selfish and self-centered which is why we are unable to truly love another person selflessly the way God expects us to (John 13:34).

Being selfish is the reason why many couples are not willing to be committed to each other long term in good times and bad times as everyone these days is all about their own happiness.

This happiness card is being thrown everywhere as an excuse to why may say why their relationship never worked out. But what’s the point of happiness if you can’t even share it with the person you claim to love?

6. Lack Of True Commitment.

It’s just a matter of fact that true commitment is lacking in many relationships which is why many fail and end in painful breakups as most immature couples don’t understand what true commitment is all about.

It’s so funny that many will claim to love you to the moon and immediately after you hit a rough patch in your life, those same people quickly abandon you and drop you like a hot potato.

You need to understand that being truly committed to a person you claim to love is all about being there for that person in both good times and bad times when most give up.

True commitment isn’t about convenience. It’s all about keeping your word to be by the partner you promised to love for the rest of your life even when you have the right to give up on them or walk away.

7. Not Understanding Good Doesn’t Mean Good Fit.

Lastly, the reason why many godly relationships are failing and breaking up like crazy even among single Christians is that many don’t understand that good doesn’t mean being a good fit.

Implying that just because the person you may be dating appears to be perfect on the outside doesn’t mean there is a suitable life partner for you to be with in a long-term marriage.

You need to understand that sometimes, no matter how good a person may seem outwardly, they may just not be a good fit for you or the right person for you to marry.

This is especially true if you have incompatible temperaments, irreconcilable differences, personalities, and values that just make it impossible for you to be together no matter how madly in love you may be with that person (Amos 3:2,3).

Related: 5 Vital Things To Do When God Says No To A Relationship.

why many Christian relationships fail.

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I hope the above 7 reasons why many godly relationships fail have given you insight into why this is happening so that you aren’t a statistic as well.

If you are in a romantic relationship, pray and seek God’s will about your relationship if you want it to succeed and turn into a successful Christian marriage in the future.

In closing, if you have been blessed by this post, comment below, and don’t forget to share as you leave using the right share icon. God bless.

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